peledak cair bahasa Inggris
- Liquid explosives (such as TATP and nitroglycerin);
Bahan peledak cair (seperti TATP dan nitrogliserin); - Plastic Airport Safety Protection Products Bottle Dangerous Liquid Explosive Detector
Produk Perlindungan Keselamatan Bandara Plastik Detektor Peledak Cair Berbahaya Botol - Plastic Airport Security Scanner Portable Bottle Dangerous Liquid Explosive Detector
Scanner Keamanan Bandara Plastik Portabel Botol Detektor Peledak Cair Berbahaya - I know, it's binary explosive, liquid bomb and you're dead either way but I can save Molly
Aku tahu, itu bahan peledak cair. Dan kau akan mati. Tapi aku bisa menyelamatkan Molly. - CQ stainless steel magnetic pumpCQ seamless stainless steel magnetic pump is a compact structure pump, which is designed especially for leakage, flammable, explosive liquid. It is easy for operation and cost low for maintenance. Monoblock Pump
CQ pompa baja stainless steelCQ seamless steel steel magnetic pump adalah pompa struktur kompak, yang dirancang khusus untuk kebocoran, mudah terbakar, bahan peledak cair. Mudah dioperasikan dan biaya rendah untuk pemeliharaan.Pompa Monoblok
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